Season One

The illustrated notes have been posted for the Precinct 43 campaign. The story of Patricia Simm, Vinny Di Francesca, James Morris, Timothy O'Murrey and Edgar Wadislau isn't over (not even for Morris, it IS the World of Darkness you know) and perhaps one day the stars will be right for Season 2 and a return to their murderous brand of law enforcement. Until then we can think back with warm glowies about all that we have seen and done. I personally will never look at an abandoned warehouse, a veteran's home or a nun the same way again! Many thanks for all the great times and lets hope the next game is half as good.

Special thanks to Toshiro Jones, Jason 'Hard-On' Hall, Jerry Brooks, Cezar Jimenez, Gerald Reed, William Shore, Lawrence Martinez, Uncle Paulie, Lucas Reisman, Angus, Sister Mary Catherine, Doctor Fredricks, Charlie, George Mason, Jonathan White and Ronald Reagan.

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